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Sigmond Sanger
(1873 - 1946)
Attorney and Toledo Public Library Board Member

Oct. 16, 1939, Sigmond Sanger adding mementos to Toledo's new Main Library cornerstone.

Sanger Branch Library

Oct. 16, 1939, Sigmond Sanger adding mementos to Toledo's new Main Library cornerstone.
Born in Austria-Hungary, he came to Toledo at a young age and obtained a public-school education, graduating from Toledo High School in 1889 and the University of Michigan Law School in 1899. Immediately after his return to Toledo he entered upon active practice, and beginning in 1910, practiced as a member of the firm of Brown, Hahn & Sanger. As the Toledo Public Library board President, he led a twenty-year fight to replace the decrepit former library with the 1940 art deco landmark Main Library on Michigan St. The Sanger Branch Library was named in his honor.
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